Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Life is good

Well I thought it was about time I wrote about what has been going on around here lately. This last month has been extra hard. My Torin has had strep 3 times in the last 4 weeks. Me and Eli had it once and my Tayla fell off Torins bunk bed and Hurt her foot. She couldn’t walk for two days and still 4 days later she was still limping. It was not broke just sprained. Well now Torin has to go to the ear and nose Dr. and he might have to get his tonsils out. He is so small and that is hard. I just want him not to hurt but it is hard as a mother to hurt him to fix him.

I have started to potty train Tayla again so I hope it goes good. She seems willing. She only peeped once in her pants yesterday and that was in the bathroom. She likes to go potty because I do “potty stars” and she loves to get her sticker when she goes potty. I have done some thinking lately and I want to be the best person I can be. I want to make my husband smile and my kids laugh. I know I do all these things but I want to be better. I have decided we watch too much TV lately since everyone has been sick we need to get back to playing and using our imaginations. I can’t tell you the last time Torin and I was on the moon. Now Tayla is big enough to drive a space ship to. :)


LoraBelieves said...

If you're going to the moon, I think I'll come along too! :)

Bre said...

I'm so sorry he has to have surgery, I really hope he recovers so quickly he hardly notices it.